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Home Extensions vs Second Storey Additions

May 31, 2017

At Next Level Extensions, we specialise in adding space to people’s homes. Unless you want us to do a complete knockdown rebuild, there are two ways to do this: home extensions and second storey additions. In Perth, where building space is becoming increasingly less available, second storey additions are becoming more and more popular.

So, how do you decide whether a home extension or a second storey addition is the right choice for you? Here are the pros and cons of both.

Home Extensions

Home extensions are great if you have the space to build. We excavate the site and build a new foundation. Then we build the walls and the inside. The last step is to open up your existing wall to connect the addition with the rest of the home.

The main advantage of building out is that you don’t have to disrupt your existing space until your extension is ready. This is especially important if you are living in your home while the project is being completed. While we are experts at not disrupting your lifestyle even while building a second storey addition, there is absolutely no disruption until the end stages of a home extension.

Home extensions are also less expensive, because there isn’t nearly as much structural work to do compared to a second storey addition. Also, it doesn’t matter how strong your current foundation is. In addition, you don’t have to climb up any stairs if you build a home extension. This may not seem important now, but it will when you get older or if you are ever injured.

However, home extensions aren’t for everybody. One problem, especially in the Perth market, is that a lot of people just don’t have enough extra space on their property to build a home extension. Sometimes, there is enough room, but it involves you having a smaller garden than you like or having to sacrifice your swimming pool.

Second Storey Additions

Second storey additions are the only possible option if you don’t have space to build out. This is a common problem in the Perth area. The process, however, is a bit more difficult and involved than the process for home extensions.

We have to make sure your foundation is strong enough to hold a second storey. Often, we have to strengthen your foundation before we can start building. If you have two storeys, the foundation has to handle twice as much weight as it would if there were only one storey.

There are some great advantages to second storey additions. First, you don’t need a lot of room to build on. Also, you can get some great views with a second storey, especially if you live in a scenic area.

But our favourite advantage of a second storey addition is the design flexibility it provides. A lot of our customers decide to put all of the bedrooms upstairs and renovate downstairs bedrooms into an expanded living room or family room. It provides a greater sense of privacy in the bedrooms, especially if you are having friends over.

However, there are disadvantages, too. Besides your foundation having to be able to handle the extra weight, your neighbourhood and council have to be OK with building a second storey Also, if you have anyone who is handicapped or getting up in the years, a second storey addition can be extremely problematic unless you install an elevator.

Another consideration is that you will lose some space because you will need to install a stairwell.

The Choice is Yours

Ultimately, it all comes down to logistics and your personal preference. Some homeowners prefer home extensions and some prefer second storey additions. But there is one thing both “sides” can agree on: it is a lot less time, money and hassle to turn your current home into your dream home than it is to sell your old home, buy a new home and move all of your belongings.

To learn more or for an obligation-free consult with award winning home renovations designer Max Sardi, call Next Level Extensions today. We have more than 70 years combined experience in providing home renovations in the Perth area. Call 1300 948 094 today.

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