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How to Keep Your Family Safe in Your Second Storey Extension

Jun 30, 2014

little boy looking up at stairs

Although building a second storey addition for your Perth home is always a good idea, it may pose as a risk, most especially if you have small kids who look at the stairs as their “play area.”

To prevent this problem, you need to make sure that you’re using the proper safety measures. This will make your new extension a safer one, ultimately completing your “home sweet home.”

Let’s look into the specifics on how you can make your second storey extension both safe and effective:

Add Safety Gates to Stairs

Kids just like to climb up and down stairs, but they are too young to fully understand the risks.

In order to prevent any stairs-related accidents, limit the access of small children to stairs.

Install safety gates both at the bottom and top of the stairs. If possible, use gates that are made of durable and childproof materials, to ensure the utmost efficiency. Small kids can be surprisingly strong, and using light and weak materials might not be enough to keep them safe.

Ensure Railings and Balusters Have the Proper Height and Spacing

The rule of thumb for balusters and railings is that they must not be more than 4 inches apart, in order to prevent kids from fitting in between the spaces. The gaps between the floor and railings should also be 4 inches or less.

Railings are also required to be at least 4 feet tall and must be positioned vertically. Otherwise, kids may use horizontal railings as ladders and that obviously can’t be a good thing.

Observe Extra Care

  • Never leave toys, bags and other items lying on the top or foot of the stairs, as this might cause you or your kids to trip on them.
  • Always check for loose boards, railings, splinters, exposed nails and other “dangers” that may injure you or family members.
  • Make use of the proper lighting. Keep stairs and surrounding areas well-lit, as this will make navigation easier, thereby reducing the chances of accidents and other unnecessary risks.

Do you want to ensure your family’s safety with the help of one of the most respected 2 storey home extension builders in Perth? Contact us on (08) 9240 5888.

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