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Did You Know: Next Level Extensions can Build You a New Home from the Ground Up

Nov 24, 2014

We have built ourselves a great reputation providing home renovations, second storey additions and home extensions to our customers in the Perth area. What a lot of people don’t know is that we can also build you a new home from the ground up.

We have over 70 combined years in the home renovation business around Perth, but have quietly built quite a few homes from the ground up over the years. The skill set is the same as with building second storey additions and home extensions. You have to provide the same structure that you would for a standard home on either.

There are two situations in which we normally build new homes. The first is if we are hired to provide an addition of some kind and it turns out that the home has severe structural deficiencies that need to be addressed. When that happens, we compare the cost of renovating and repairing the old home with the cost of just demolishing, starting over and building a new home.

We also compare the projected value of the old home with an addition versus a new home of the same size. Architects use a rule of thumb that if the renovation is going to cost more than a third of what a new home would cost, a new home may be appropriate. Of course, we do take other factors into consideration, such as your financial situation. Ultimately, the decision is in your hands and we are happy to provide whatever you decide you want.

The other reason we build new homes is the more conventional one: you have a block of land and want a home built. This is common and we also have built a new home next to an older home when new zoning regulations have allowed the homeowner to subdivide the lot.

Call 1300 948 094 today for more information.

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