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When Does a Home Extension Make the Most Sense for You?

Jun 11, 2015

At Next Level Extensions, we have more than 70 years combined experience in providing home extensions, second storey additions and home renovations to the Perth area. When we provide our in-home consultation, one of the more common questions is whether to have a home extension or a second storey addition. Here are some of the factors that make the decision easy.

If you have enough room to build outward on your property, a home extension can be a great choice. However, you will need to make sure you still have room if you are considering a swimming pool, a deck or an alfresco living area.

Another great reason to choose a home extension: young children for whom climbing stairs can be too dangerous. You don’t want your two year-old to have an upstairs bedroom if you can avoid it.

If your council or neighbourhood homeowners’ association has a rule against a second storey, a home extension is your only option. In addition, many homes don’t have the infrastructure that is necessary to support a second storey. In some cases, a second storey addition can be more expensive than a home extension.

Also, a home extension can be completed with almost no intrusion into your current lifestyle. We can complete the entire extension without needing to be inside of your home until we install the doorway between the extension and your home. The extension is closed off, preventing excess noise and allowing your life to go on as if we weren’t even there.

Call Next Level Extensions Today

Whatever your situation or preference, call Next Level Extensions today. We have more than 70 years experience helping homeowners in the Perth area decide how to renovate their homes. Award winning home renovation designer Max Sardi will be happy to lend you his expertise and help you decide whether you want to expand your home with a home extension or a second storey addition.

To learn more call 1300 948 094 today.

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