We know that DIY home renovations are popular in the Perth area. We respect people who can complete their own home renovations and do them right. Recently three chimney flue fires in Melbourne were linked to improper DIY installations. We know this isn’t Perth, but we think it’s relevant for everyone.
Chimney Flues Must Be Installed Properly
Chimney flues need a double skinned insulation. In addition, they should not be installed close to timber frames, as the frames can ignite from too much heat. Any chimney flue must be insulated from anything that is flammable. It is highly recommended that if you are doing your own renovations, you hire a professional to install your chimney flue. It costs a lot less than having your home burn down, even if you have great insurance.
Electrical Wiring can Also Be Dangerous
A lot of DIY home renovations include electrical wiring. Wiring must be compliant with the Building Code of Australia. As with chimney flues, we strongly recommend that you have someone who is qualified install the wiring in your home. Electrical fires represent a large percentage of house fires.
Hire a Professional Builder
Whenever possible, hire a professional builder. Not only will you know your home is safe from fires due to building mistakes, you will also know that your home will increase in value. While many DIY home renovations look fine when you complete them, mistakes as small as 1 mm can magnify and compound as the home ages.
A series of fairly small mistakes and compensations can negatively affect the structural integrity of your house. This can affect the function and the appearance. In ten years, your home can have serious issues that can cost thousands of dollars if you are trying to sell it.
Call Next Level Extensions Today
At Next Level Extensions, we have more than 70 years combined experience providing home renovations in the Perth market. We know all of the regulations. We have a solid crew of extremely qualified tradies whom we have known for years.
To learn more, call us today: 1300 948 094.