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DIY Renovations? Watch Out for Asbestos Exposure

Jun 13, 2017

DIY home renovations are big in Perth and across Australia. However, homeowners performing their own home renovations often expose themselves and their families to asbestos without even knowing it. Any home built before 2003 may expose DIY renovators to asbestos. It is important that anybody performing renovations on their home knows how to identify and neutralise potential asbestos exposure.

While this might not seem like a problem too many, Australia currently has the second highest death rate in the world from mesothelioma. Since the early 1980s, more than 10,000 Australians have died from mesothelioma. In the next 40 years, as many as 25,000 more Australians are expected to die from this disease.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, Australia used more asbestos per capita than anyone in the world. If you are trying to renovate a home built during that period, it is more likely than not that your home was built with materials that contain asbestos.

Asbestos is harmless as long as the fibers don’t get into the air. Homes which were built with asbestos are not a health risk until you try to renovate them or until a wall is knocked down by accident or by force of nature.

The risk is mathematical. The more asbestos fibers you breathe in, the more likely you are to get mesothelioma or other lung diseases.

Always Hire Professionals for Major Home Renovations

Asbestos must be properly handled and properly disposed of. Any deviation from these procedures can put yourself your family and even your neighbors at risk for asbestos-related health problems such as mesothelioma.

The best way to ensure that you and your family are not exposed to asbestos is to have your home professionally renovated. Home renovation professionals know how to handle materials and how to dispose of them properly without exposing you or your family to dangerous asbestos fibers. The money you save doing it yourself can’t buy back your health or that of your family.

To learn more or for a free consult, call Next Level Extensions today: 1300 948 094.

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