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Why You Must Always Insure Your Home Renovation

Apr 11, 2017

According to a recent survey, an alarming number of Australians are putting their home renovations at risk by failing to insure them. According to a survey of 1,000 registered businesses, 72% of home renovation customers didn’t insure their renovations. Another 45% didn’t bother to sign a contract with their builder.

22% of home renovation customers didn’t bother to check out the qualifications of their builders before letting them renovate their homes. This may not bother a lot of people, but 78% of the businesses polled said they believed there are still some unlicensed and unethical people trying to sell their services to an unsuspecting public.

Why is This So Important to Your Home Renovation?

We know we aren’t telling you any earth-shattering news when we tell you home renovations cost money. But when we see people risking their homes by using unlicensed builders and then compounding the situation by failing to insure those renovations, we have to be concerned.

At Next Level Extensions, we are licensed professionals with an award-winning home renovations designer and more than 70 years of home renovation experience in the Perth area. We only work with tradies who we have personally vetted. At this point, all of our tradies have worked with us a long time. We specialise in home renovations, home extensions and second storey additions specifically for homeowners in the Perth area.

And despite all of our qualifications, we never start work until you have purchased insurance on the job. Do you know why? Because no matter how qualified you are and how great your work is, things can still go wrong. And if they do go wrong, you are out thousands of dollars.

Call Next Level Extensions for Your Next Home Renovation

If you are planning a home renovation, call Next Level Extensions today. We specialize in various home renovations, including second storey additions and home extensions. We have a 100% customer satisfaction record. Most of all, we make sure you don’t forget your insurance.

Call us on 1300 948 094 today.

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