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Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
Second Storey Extension Doubleview
The result is an impressive extension with great appeal that looks like it was originally built as a two storey.
The Project:
This wonderful second storey extension was designed to complement and enhance the existing residence.
Client Story:
Our client wanted to add another floor to her home to create more space in the house to suit visiting family and friends.
The result:
A comfortable living area feeds into 3 large bedrooms and a bathroom. The facade replicates existing gables and features to match the existing residence.
The challenge faced with this extension was that the existing home sits off a narrow right of way (a small laneway), which meant we needed to be clever about scaffolding, ramping and location of materials.
The result is an impressive extension with great appeal that looks like it was originally built as a two story home.